Thursday, December 22, 2005


Because God is love....

All my intentions should be governed by love. If I don't have love in me, the Kingdom of Heaven is not in me. If I have love, God is with me. If I don't practice love, I'm not practising Godliness. If I can't learn to love to my brother whom I see, I am a liar if I say that I love God, whom I can't see. Because God is love, He is the source of love. So if love doesn't flow out of me, my heart doesn't have Jesus in it... If I don't love love, I don't love God. Love must be evident,
it must be seen. Because if people don't see love, they don't see God either. Therefore my love towards people must be of action, expressed with something tangible. Love flowed out proves the existence of love inside. If I can show love, I can prove that God does exist.

Friends, what does the statement "God is love" mean to you?I invite you to share your thoughts and your conviction by completing the sentence "Because God is love..."


Anonymous said...


I came over because I found one of your comments on Job's Tale. You were thankful that someone asked about you and how you were doing.

I didn't know you were there before, or I'd have asked.

How are you? :) (extends hand)

Drop on by the Desert of the Real anytime. You can find it by clicking on my name.

And welcome to my blogroll.

Curious Servant said...

Good post.

Paula said...

God's unconditional love and acceptance is the foundation of my life. Without it I wouldn't have the courage to follow Christ or the dreams He has placed within me. Without it I couldn't forgive those who've hurt me or love those He bring my way. What does God is love mean? EVERYTHING.

Loved the music, BTW.