Monday, July 18, 2005


In this journey of running with a God-given dream, or even our walk with the Dream-Giver, we often get stuck in some place... Somehow we become lost and confused, unsure of the road ahead or which path to take, or we just simply go blank... We know what the ultimate goal is, we know how to get there... At lease we though we did... And so we plan and we plan and we plan, but now we find ourselves caught in between our past and our future...

This time is the time to make a choice - shall we quit and give up the dream? Or shall we wait for the light that brings hope? Shall we get frustrated with our imcompetence? Or shall we continue to look to the Everlasting? Shall we drift away from our course, or shall we wait for HOPE?

As we are now here, stuck in a moment that we can't get out of, in the middle of running with a God-given dream or writing a script, I've concluded that we have probably strayed away from the source of Life. Maybe it's time to run back into the arms of rest and comfort, to regain our original identity by casting away our masks and laying down our crowns and our know-hows... To just know and be known all over again... To trust and lean not on our own strength... Sometimes we forget who ultimately and rightfully deserves to be in control.

And so as this runner / script writer gets stuck in this place where there are no words left to pen down and no story line to work with, I am reminded that the Dream-Giver is still waiting to be a part of this dream and this script-writing team... Oh boy, how could we miss that?? What a bummer... This time and the next, I must remember to remain stuck to the One who has stuck with this runner, this dreamer...

1 comment:

lilgrass said...

*awe* such a catchy piece of writing produced even when stucked...;)