Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This is me I've been working on

Assembled a team of friends to play as my brother's wedding band. Yes, I will be playing my first live gig along with Andrew & John Chew, Ken Chung, and Samuel Young.

 This is me pretending to be John Mayer.

We've had 2 rehearsals thus far. I've really been slacking musically for many years now. 7 years ago, I was teaching Andrew to play the acoustic guitar and my skill level is still stuck there. I can still fake it behind an acoustic guitar, but now it seems appropriate that the student become the teacher. As for singing, even the drummer sings better than I do. I actually don't intend to be the main singer in my own band, but I do want to improve on my vocals.

Gotta go for classes...

1 comment:

S said...

congrats to your brother! persevere, you can do it!