Thursday, October 04, 2007

Visit to Subang Cell

Last Friday (28/09) I went to Subang cell meeting. May was suppose to come with me, but she was ill. Being alone & quiet in the train brought back a lot of memories. I don't remember what was before, but I remember Barbara was the one who felt the need to start the Subang youth cell. I joined her in starting up the cell group & when she left, I continued serving with Debbie. I remember coming with Joseph and also with May - I believe that was 5 years ago.

Now another cell leader has left (Jason) and that night was the first time I see the new leadership in place. I reminded them of the significance of the moment - that now is the time to make the necessary changes. Re-evaluate - take the good, throw the bad, & FOCUS. At the end of the night, I felt that they too sense the importance of the moment. And I believe that they would rise to the occasion & be an example to all the other youth cell groups of our church.

Take them flying, Ben & Jac!! Hebrews 12:1-2

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