Monday, May 28, 2007

All set...

Luggage - check.

CPU - check.

Monitor - check.

Best board game in the world - check.

Football & boots - check.

Took a 4 days' leave ( 1 unpaid leave) to get some much needed fresh air in Genting Highlands. But it looks like I'm bringing to many things to a 4 days 3 nights camp, ei? XD

Friday, May 25, 2007

Sold Out (HUGE 2006) Vlogs

Thanks to Google Video Uploader, I could upload my videos with ease, even with lousy connection.

I was given the privilege to do a documentary for Youth Alive Malaysia on HUGE camp 2006. Apart from that, my team and I had to come up with a video, for EVERY SESSION, of highlights of the day, interviews & announcements. Though tiring & stressful (sleeping at 4am, editting videos while everyone was relaxing), it was a lot of fun. Got to know a lot of people that I would otherwise not know if I don't have a video camera, expanded my horizons & enhanced my skills.

The greatest lesson I learn from all of that is that NOTHING BEATS THESE EYES WE HAVE. No matter how high quality your camera is, the best medium of sight is your very own eyes.

You should be aware that these videos are custom-made for big crowds. So if you're watching alone & ain't laughing out loud, these videos might seem boring to you =)
I must thank Youth Alive Malaysia for providing me with this opportunity. I hope I can return that trust with a very good documentary. Not forgetting Jason, Caleb, & Joseph, who helped out with the videos. It was fun, I hope we can do it again.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

What's Going On

Haven't been able to write anything of late. I have many things I want to get out of my chest, but lately it feels like no one on the other end is listening. So I'm just being silent about everything right now. Deep down inside I know that there are things I have to resolve on my own. I'm pretty sure I'll emerge out of it a greater man.

So right now I'll just say that I'm really grateful for the futsal session the past Sunday. I had a lot of fun, and that was something I desperately need. Everyone played as a team. Defending was good, attacking was good, goalkeeping was just excellent. I felt really proud to play with those players that day. Thank you.

Gotta get those running shoes & start running again... Thank you Andrew for such convincing and motivating speech you gave me...

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Now You Can Watch The Movie

Dear friends,

The movie, Where There's Will, There's Wei, is now up on google videos. I've split the movie into 4 parts and here are the links:

If you want to let your friends watch the movie, you'll have to pass them these links, as these videos would not appear on the video search. Also, these videos are not downloadable. And finally, please be informed that the movie would only be up till the end of June, and would be removed from the internet right after that period.

Hope you enjoy the movie. Ratings and comments are much valued.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Announcing ExG 4

Jezreel's creation of our very own pulpit was timely indeed. I think I represent everyone when I say that it's a very inspiring sight. Sure, it's not the grandest thing ever. But consider what it is made of - bamboo sticks & bounded up together only with string - it's a testimony that with whatever resources we have, we can make beautiful things.

The blueprint...
The end result...
And that will be our testimony of our Creator, who can turn ordinary things into something beautiful, as what He did with us.

Event: Experimental Grounds 4 (video here)
Date: 1 June 2007.
Time: 10pm.
Location: FCC.
"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord."

"Let all that is within me, bless His holy name."

Friday, May 04, 2007

3rd Youth Service Ever: Recap

It was the beginning of many new things...

no, MTV did not come to town...

Firstly, we had video & photographic documentation of our youth services. I said it before, and I'm really glad that the idea has been implemented successfully. Thanks to Jojo for the photos & Joseph for letting us use his laptop for the video capturing. Now the youth service can be venue for all who are interested to practice & enhance their skills.

the combination of video and photography: BEAUTY.

And of course we had the introduction of our very own pulpit!! Custom-made by Jezreel Kang, the scout master. Ken Chung, our very special speaker of the day, had the honour to be the first person to use it. He used his extra large bible & Jezreel's masterpiece was up for the challenge.

Ken Chung had a good time preaching.

He shared from Romans 8:31-38. It was the second time the Segambut cell group members have heard this sermon, but I had a great time listening to it again. He's a good presenter, and of course the message of God's favour upon our lives is much refreshing & needed. It's absolutely crucial for our generation to know that we can approach our Father in heaven to grant us the desires of our heart, no matter how small or insignificant you might think they are, cause I believe that Jesus wants to be relevant to us - He meets us where we are.

"What then shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all—how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?" Romans 8:31-32

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord" Romans 8:38-39

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Why People Leave?

People leave for opportunity to serve elsewhere.

How do you feel when someone leaves your church for another because they are able to serve there - a place where they are needed, a place where they feel appreciated. How does it make you feel?

Let's face it: Most of the time, the church (maybe just my church) over-rely on certain individuals. It's the safe route, a comfortable arrangement. They know the job, and they do a fairly good job on a consistent basis. And unless and until someone bursts out in tears & begin to prophesy, you won't be seeing a new person in charge of a prayer meeting session anytime soon. We need people to stand out, perform someone amazing or heroic before we take notice of them. And most people don't stand out.

Maybe that is why we find that a great percentage of individuals in church don't serve in any ministry whatsoever - we don't take time to know a person, to find that gem, to spot the potential in the people that faithfully come every Sunday. Sure, the problem is partly due to people not knowing their gifts, people not knowing how to ask, how to offer to help... People perish due to lack of knowledge, so it is the responsibility of teachers, pastors, and leaders to EDUCATE - we need to educate the church about knowing their role in the body of Christ. Then we need to teach & emphasize that no ministry is greater than another.

Expressed appreciation is another element that is missing in many Christians' lives. Those who serve are already feeling under-appreciated, under-valued, underminded - what about those who don't serve anyhow? You see them every Sunday sitting at that familiar spot without fail. What does it take for them to be appreciated around here? Can't people be loved, cherished, and valued for just being themselves? It's not entirely right, but isn't one of the greatest motivating factors to serve in church is because people want to be appreciated?