Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Clear Blue Skies

GetLife09 was awesome!! So awesome that it has restored my faith in camps. Thank God for open heavens at youth camp '09 & beyond.

Looking back now, God's hand had been with us all along. Yes, there was a dark cloud hovering above us - but our God is King above the storms, & He is Emmanuel, God with us. Throughout the camp, we prayed for open heavens & praise be to God for answering our plea. I praise God for the work He has done amongst us in this youth camp. Lives were touched, & 1 soul was added to the Kingdom!! YAY!!

1 thing that amazed me was that everybody that should have been at GetLife09 were there. And I'm happy to have witnessed the display of excellence by all campers, especially in the 3 days Amazing Race. Kudos to the camp committee for creating a race that drew the best out of everyone, & congratulations to all participants for their passion & enthusiasm.

There's really no telling what this generation can do in God - the sky's the limit. And personally, it's both comforting & scary. Comforting, because I know that this generation is in God's hand & God will use us to do great things; scary, because as a leader, I have the responsibility to lead without overshadowing or hindering the growth of each individual - finding that balance has been a challenge I knew I had to face. But this is a sign of critical mass, a place where small moves will determine if we leap ahead or fade away.

And therefore, now more than ever, is our time to do that one thing that's needed, that one good, noble thing - to sit at the feet of Jesus, to draw joy, peace, strength; to get life from the everlasting source.

Get life, till our cups overflow.

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